Bahasa inggris bisnis 2

Tugas materi bulan ke tiga
Exercise. 36
Causative verbs. Page 135
1.      Leave
2.      Repair
3.      Typed
4.      Call
5.      Painted
6.      Wrote
7.      Lie
8.      Sent
9.      To cut
10.  Sign
11.  Leave
12.  Washed
13.  Fix
14.  Published
15.  To find

Kalimat aktif ( active voice )
Kalimat dimana subjeknya melakukan pekerjaan,sebailknya
Kalimat pasif ( passive voice)
Kalimat dimana subjeknya dikenai pekerjaan oleh objek kalimat.

Passive Voice
1.      A : I shall visit my friend in the hospital.
P : My friend will be visited by me in the hospital.
2.      A : They will follow the examination next week.
P : The examination will be followed by them next week.
3.      A : He borrowed me pen last night.
P : My pen was borrowed by him last night.
4.      A : You bought a newspaper in the way.
P : A newspaper bought by you on the way.
5.      A : we should have lift the market if it had not been rain.
P : The market would have been left by us if it had not been rain.
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